SiteForge Privacy Policy

Your Data, Our Responsibility

Our approach to managing and protecting your personal information is transparent and centered on your needs as a user. We take your privacy seriously and work tirelessly to safeguard the data entrusted to us.

Information We Collect

At SiteForge, we collect:

  • Basic information through account registration such as name, email address, and contact details.
  • Data gleaned from cookies, which helps us understand browsing behavior on our platform.
  • Information about your brand, preferred site structures, and generated website content.
  • Usage metrics that give insights into how you interact with our services.
  • Billing and transactional information necessary for a seamless business experience.
  • Other pertinent data that aids in the enhancement of our product offerings.

Why We Collect Data

Our prime reason for collecting data serves the functionality and continuous improvement of SiteForge. Here’s how we put your data to work:

  • To customize the user experience, offering a seamless and efficient platform interaction.
  • For the creation and delivery of AI-generated site structure plans.
  • To generate SEO-optimized content that aligns with your business needs.
  • To present tailored branding content that echoes your brand identity.
  • To support SiteForge’s operational needs, including billing and user support.
  • For internal analytics that drive enhancements to the SiteForge experience.

Account Removal

As a user-centric platform, we pride ourselves on personalized experiences that tailor results to your unique business requirements. That means our use of collected data is integral to the service we provide, and opting out isn’t a feature we offer. That said, our use of your data is always with the intent of providing you superior service and support.

We can remove your account, however this will result in permanent loss of all content and data produced in our tool.

Ensuring Your Data Security

Proactive Measures

We adopt industry-standard security practices to ensure that your information remains confidential and secure. Proactive measures such as encrypted storage, regular security assessments, and strict access controls form our defensive repertoire.

Responding to Data Breaches

In the unlikely event of a security breach, our commitment stands firm—we will notify affected users and respond swiftly. Any security issue or breach reported to us is addressed within the 60-hour response window, as we strive to resolve incidents and reinforce safeguards.

Third-Party Sharing

For a fully functional SiteForge experience, sharing data with third-party services is sometimes necessary. These integrations range from payment processors to analytics tools, essential for maintaining our platform's capabilities. Rest assured, we only partner with entities that uphold privacy standards aligning with our values.

User Information and Global Reach

Understanding that our users come from diverse backgrounds, including small businesses, large enterprises, e-commerce sites, bloggers, and digital marketing agencies, we are careful to treat all data with utmost respect and consideration for cultural and regional data protection expectations.

Your Empowerment

We believe transparency empowers our users. While we use your data to better our services, your awareness of our practices reinforces the trust between us.

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